Hello from Waechters.com
I know you think I have fallen off the blogger planet, but I have not. It has been a hectic spring and blogging did not come up to the top of the list of things to do. I apologize to all you blog fans.
We have tons of new merchandise. That crazy woman who went to market in March got carried away and fabric is floating from the rafters---at least it feels like it. If you are watching the website you know we have lots of new items every week. My website entry person, Jennifer is here many days a week photographing and installing all the new merchandise. Appreciate her, as she has another full time job and works for me in her spare time. I am a lucky girl to have her.
A big part of the spare time in spring has been spent installing our two new galleries. We have over a hundred adult garments that we have made from the patterns we carry. We have about forty more for the children's gallery. We hope you enjoy looking at these garments and we really hope you are inspired by them. Everyone in the store has been involved over the last two years in cranking out these garments. It takes loads of time to get them planned and sewn. My staff have all been very generous with their time in helping to make these garments so look them over. It definitely is a Waechter's TEAM effort. My team is very talented as you will see.
Our most exciting accomplishments for the work we have been doing is to have two major events to be hosted this fall by Waechter's. Carol Ahles will be teaching for us August 20 and 21. If you do not know Carol she is one of the leading experts on Fine Machine Sewing and has written a book---which is my bible--- on these techniques. What Carol specializes in is doing heirloom sewing by machine. These techniques are wonderful for sewing heirloom children's garments or for those beautiful girly blouses and lingerie we all love to wear. Carol will be here for two days only. We have waited three years almost to get her on the schedule. I began talking to her about coming to Waechter's before I had signed the contract to buy the business. I love her classes and her teaching style. She is clear, precise, and very well organized. You will not be sorry you have taken these classes. Check them out on our site. http://www.fabricsandbuttons.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=WSS&Category_Code=CarolAhles
Our next event is a three day workshop with Louise Cutting and Linda Lee. It will be held November 6,7, and 8. We are finalizing all the details this next week but there are only thirty places for this event and I am sure it will sell out quickly. There has been lots of interest.
One of the accomplishments I am most proud of is we have had two features in Creative Needle Magazine in the last two issues. Last issue we had our bumble bee dress which is on the front of the website. This month the new issue is just landing with two dresses in the cover article from our team. Betsy has been sewing up a storm to get tons of samples sent to them so we have lots for them to chose from. Luckily, they have liked what we are making and are using it for their articles. We have several items in the next issue also. We will let you be surprised when they come out.
So you see while I am remiss on my blogging we have been very busy. I have yet to see any moss growing under my feet---except for some of the moss in my yard. Enjoy a wonderful summer sewing up a storm of creativity. I will live to blog again. Happy Sewing Joyce
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