Waechter's Blog

Friday, June 08, 2007

New Fashion Closures

We have received tons of new high fashion closures in the last few weeks. These are showing up all over Europe and are made to be seen. There are giant snaps and giant hooks. They come in antique bronze and antique pewter. They can be used on your latest bag project or down the front of a jacket or dress. We can't wait to see what all that creative juice out there in sewing land will do with them. Send us a picture if you use them. The link above goes to the button page where they all exist for your perusal.

Our Creative Needle features are getting a lot of attention. The dresses are oh so cute and we have sold several kits based on our feature in the magazine. Check out the pages on oour website. http://www.fabricsandbuttons.com/PDF/creativeNeedleJune07.pdf The dresses are in the store window so if you live nearby you can drive by any time of the day and see them. All the quilters who come into the store can't believe we used Kaffe Fassett cottons for something other than a quilt. Just goes to show you what happens when you get out of the box.

I recently was given a birthday gift of a "Kreative Kitty." They are a small figurine that is designed to help inspire your creative juices and help you "think outside of the Catbox.". I really try to do all my creating outside the catbox. Hope you enjoy the sentiment, as it made me smile.

Happy sewing! Joyce


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