Waechter's Blog

Friday, October 13, 2006

Mimi Leaves us Tomorrow

Saturday is a sad day in the life of Waechter's. Our manager, Mimi is moving back to Louisville to be close to her family. She wants to watch her neices and nephews grow up and she plans to be there for all their events.

We are so glad for her, but we will miss her terribly. Mimi, was the glue that held things together for Sally for the last 10 years she owned Waechter's and for two years for me as I became the new owner. Mimi is adored by everyone, here. She is a fabulous worker and great with people. She really knows how to sew, too. She organizes us and keeps up with all kinds of details. We are already looking for a replacement, but I know it will be a hard act to follow.

Luckily, most of our fall merchandise is in for this year and we have completed most of the additions to the website. We only have a few things left to photograph and put up. That hopefully, will get done next week.

After Mimi leaves we have a week to get regrouped and then I will be off to market and quilt market. Fortunately, my family is in Houston so I get to visit them. Then it will be Halloween and before you know it Christmas will be here. It is time to start making all those gifts so we are not up all night before Christmas. Happy fall and Happy Sewing. Joyce